The Moon and You
Hey! How’s it going today? How do you feel? Are you having one of those great days that no matter what everything goes awesome? Or [...]
Hey! How’s it going today? How do you feel? Are you having one of those great days that no matter what everything goes awesome? Or [...]
Below is a summary from an article recently posted by Dr. Mercola. Earthing, a.k.a Grounding Also look for the documentary Grounded Earthing, aka [...]
Hey, here's a fun one! A study was done this summer on the use of watermelon juice for reducing muscle soreness after your workout [...]
I'm sure everyone reading this knows obesity isn't treated with a shot or a pill from big pharma inc. Nor does following the food plate [...]
Here's a couple easy things you can do to burn fat easily and make your training more efficient. Let's start with the nutrition side. [...]
While training at the gym have you seen the variety of things people are drinking; a rainbow of colored concoctions. It got me thinking, [...]
This question comes up a lot. So here it is. My subjective, blunt response. Drink water. If you are doing an endurance sport or [...]
Hi all! I'm taking a step back here from the direct information for helping your training to reflect on the mostly unmentioned. Our inner-game. [...]
Yes! That's right! Barefoot! You will be grounding yourself, allowing free electrons to transfer from the earth into your body. Not only does this [...]
Are you losing sleep? Are you gaining weight? These two factors can be connected according to the study "Sleep loss: a novel risk factor [...]